
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Intolerance or fear of unknown ?

Debates can be classified in a number of ways and debate over Intolerance is the one that falls in the ‘worthless’ category because
  • it started due to one thing (as a protest towards assault of intellectuals and murder in Dadri by extreme elements of society)
  • was steered towards some other thing (Is this Intolerance a new thing or an old phenomenon in this nation?)  
  • and ended in a completely counterproductive manner ( Tagged India as an extremist, intolerant nation on the world map) giving neither solutions to the problem of assaults by extremists nor answers to the questions it generated…

So whose fault is this?
Is this the fault of those authors who returned their awards in protest and generated huge drama?
Is it the fault of Indian Media for propagating the debate in the wrong direction ?
Is it the fault of Authorities like Prime Minister or ‘Sahitaya Akadami’ who showed  silence  and ignorance towards these killings leading to restlessness among people and pressure groups?

Answers to these questions may polarize this article, so it is upto readers to decide who is at fault here.
Moreover, what’s more important than blaming the culprits of a dead debate is finding the solution of a huge problem called extremism and looking for answers of some critical questions.

Let’s try to discuss all this and this time without deflecting from the ‘real deal’

Q) Is India an Intolerant Nation?

 Yes, and so is USA, FRANCE,AUSTRALIA and any other country with diversity in the world.
Before pointing fingers at India,
  • take a look at USA which has Donald Trump and his supporters, Republican Party, Guantanamo bay etc.
  • Or France which is facing a great deal of Tension with its Muslim Citizens due to its policies
  • Or Australia and its racist behavior towards its Indian citizens.
Before tagging India as a freak with lack of tolerance, take an insightful look at its acute diversity and think how despite this diversity in culture , language  and religion every citizen of this country work, live and share with people from different states, castes, religions and accents.
Let these people define India, not some spoilt brains which are present everywhere around the world as a ‘natural calamity’.

Q) How can we solve the ‘Extreme ideology’ problem in our country?
First of all its not the ‘Extreme Ideology’ which is a problem  it’s the ‘Criminalization of Ideology’ which is the real but lesser known villain because 
any person can believe in a religion or ideology to whatever extent he/she wants to believe.Problem begins when belief mixes up with inhumane views either due to innocence of believer or due to belief creator's greed for fame and finance. 

Honestly, we can’t completely solve it, because we will always have some people who will have malfunctioned and criminal thought process.
However, we can surely decrease the number of such people.
To do that we would have to understand following two points

  1. ‘ If we are not properly informed about something then chances are high that we will get misinformed about it’
  2. ‘ UNKNOWN is scary’

These points about human behavior are not acknowledged in our education system when dealing with religious content.
Since independence, our education material has been created in a way that it doesn’t glorify or nullify any religion which is not a wrong thing.
However the way it has been done is dead wrong!
In order to avoid any controversy they started avoiding most of the religious content in the textbooks.
This led to an education system which produce students who know
very little (superficially) about other religions and that too usually from people of their own community.

Sometimes what they know about their own religion from these sources is also not correct.
This leaves them with limited information which creates a sort of taboo or a potential fear in their mind about other religions (‘unknown is scary’) and leaves them susceptible to getting misinformed about that ‘alien religion’ (‘if we are not properly informed…..’).
This misinformation and fear when combined produce a drastic and criminal ideology which plagues the society under various names like intolerance or extremism or whatnot.

Most of this happens because kids are not given correct knowledge about every religion from a legitimate source at school level.
That’s what the problem is.
Solution to which is increasing their knowledge about every religion at school level so as to insulate them from stupid and spoilt thoughts in future.

Now a lot of people will start making bad faces thinking that
--teaching about religion in a compulsory manner is non-secular
NO! its not, as all the religions will be taught with equality and that too in theory not in practice ie. you will be informed about other religion and that doesn’t mean that you have to believe in that information.

--Our education should contain only those things which help kids in their professional lives and religion is not one of those.
Before raising this question, take a look at the present syllabus in schools, profession oriented education start becoming significant in 9th class and becomes completely significant only in 11th  and 12th  standard(when streams are divided) .
It means from primary to 8th class there is pretty much time to vaccinate their minds from spoilt thoughts.
--This is impractical as one cannot just force a hindu to study Islam or a muslim to study Hinduism. why not?
Why can’t a person know a religion other than his own religion just for sake of knowledge?
This idea is not about making them to follow all religions, its just about increasing their knowledge about all religions.
Thinking that teaching religions at school is impractical is the very reason that our society is tending towards the verge of saturation.

Knowledge can never be a bad thing, it’s the lack of knowledge which must be feared.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015

A vegetarian's response to recent lifestyle bans:AGAINST IT

Before anything else, lets start with an elementary question
What's the difference between human and animal?

There are basically 2 differences

1) They don't have the resources like we have

2) They have neither voice nor writing skills to write poems/literature

Rest is same because we and them both
feel love,life and death(also the fear and pain during it) and frankly to the same extent as well.

Despite that, we 'The Humans' raise them in poultry houses, increase their population and in the end slaughter them saying that 'if we don't eat them their population will increase' .

And the only reason due to which we are not refraining from this are the differences 1 and 2 (discussed in the beginning) because one doesn't let them file a lawsuit against humans  and the other doesn't let them to tell their side of the story in a creative vivid way.

Now under the impression of all this lets more forward.
So recently Govt imposed ban on a lot of choice and lifestyle oriented sectors like porn, Maggie, non-veg food items etc.(By the way SORRY for putting porn among the list of eatable, but I had no other choice) .

Being a pure Vegetarian(By Choice and not because of religion) I always thought that a law against non-veg items would be a good thing.

But due to some weird reason when I actually heard about that becoming a real thing is some states of India, I had mixed feelings.
Why is that so?

  1.  because I smell politics in it as they have only banned those food items which are exclusive to a certain religion.If Govt is really serious about this then they should also ban fish and chicken(In fact this sort of question was raised by Maharashtra HIGH COURT click here to see that)
  2. Even if they ban the whole 'Non-Veg Franchise' ,it won't be a good thing because like most of the tough ideologies to follow 'vegan' can't be imposed just like that!
    To propagate an ideology properly we need to inspire people instead of forcefully making them accept that
  3. Such bans are ineffective because they only create a 'legal effect' not a psychological one
    due to which people who consume non-veg products will still do that by means of illegal third parties which by the way will also increase graft.
  4. A person's lifestyle weather watching porn or eating meat can only be changed by reasoning with them on the topic and inspiring them.
    And if, even after that they don't agree with you then you can't do anything else.That's the price you have to pay for living in a democracy and if you don't want to pay that price then you should consider living in a monarchy or dictatorial.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

India: Gifted in agriculture, going after industries

Introduction of 'Make in India' and this whole debate and drama over Land Acquisition is an indicator that India is at the beginning of creating a new horizon of industrialization.
And yes it should happen as its one of the basic economic and employment need of any nation.

But what should be the length and breadth of the industrial expansion about to come?
This question is a serious one and defines the type of results (good or bad) we will get from industries.

To answer this question lets first take a look at some facts
  • Intense industrialization in Europe during the mid 18th to 19th century lead to
    Increase in pollution
    Overcrowded cities and unhealthy residents.
    Lack of sanitation
  • China is the living example of an overly industrialized country which is economically well off but is a masterpiece of POLLUTION to such extent that  some 1.6 million Chinese people die per year because of it and rest suffers from serous lung disease. Wearing a mask when outdoors is a common practice there 
  • Blindfolded Industrialization in India has led to incidents like Bhopal Gas Tragedy.
  • Even today residents of some major industrial cities like Chennai ,Mumbai ,Kolkata are facing serious pollution and health problems.

 So even if industries create job opportunities and economy, we can’t simply erect them recklessly only to become the next CHINA ! 

We must have a firm control on the number and type of industries being build 

This is something which Mr Modi should keep in mind before openly inviting foreign firms and telling them to ‘Make in India’(Younger brother of  ‘Made in China’) and assuring them easy land and labor .
Yes, we do need a moderate industrialization but we should definitely avoid the excess hunger for it.

But if we don’t industrialize enough, how would we generate economy and employment?
To answer this  lets take a look at Arab countries .Their main source of economy and employment is petroleum extraction  because they are naturally gifted with petroleum  resources for it .
India also has a sector in which it is exceptionally gifted then others, a sector which is being considered a rather dead one for the past few decades, Agriculture.


  •  India is the 2nd largest country with arable land ( 60.3 percent of land is agriculture land) after USA
  •  India has variety of climates and ecological parameter to support the growth of various crops.
  • India ranks in top 3 to top 10 ranking of  producers of every crop it grows.

Then why Agriculture isn’t able to generate good economy and employment?


  • Indian Agriculture has outdated Infrastructure ,handicapped post management of crops and no schematic and structural measures against floods and droughts.
    This disrupts food security(click here to know what it means) , decrease the no. of exports and sometimes paves way for compensatory  imports despite the fact that we are among top producers.

  • Farmers lack new skills and resources of modern agriculture which are being used in other countries.  
    Grain Damage due to pathetic
    Post Management

    This drawback is reflected on international level when countries with land and climate worse than ours  perform better just by opting modern agriculture skills.
  •  Variable land ownership:  Small amount of farmers have large area of land and Large amount of farmers have small area.
    This is one of the biggest reason why agriculture isn't employment friendly because it
     makes farming profitable only to a certain section of farmers.
  • Importance of Agricultural Engineering and research is decreasing.This leads to lack of innovation in this sector.
  • Successful Irrigation and unhindered harvest mostly happen at the mercy of nature.This makes it more of a gamble to engage in this sector.
Crop Destroyed due to unwanted Torrents of rain 
So we can conclude that our agriculture through gifted is doomed because of the lazy and outdated vision of administration and government.

Now lets deal with the a tricky question
Would agriculture be able to solve economy and employment problems if some changes are done?

'Yes it can but it won't!
This is because we don't need 'some changes' in it.What we need instead is the complete makeover because the present form is useless because of 'Variable land ownership' and dependence on weather.

Possible New Frame

  • If agriculture is to be used to provide employment to masses then what government can do is
    -Take over a good amount of land from farmers
    -Use that land as 'Government Farm' in which specify new sub-farms with almost equal area
    -Now give 'jobs' to farmer on one of the sub-farms which are in or closer to his/her village.Farmers working here should get monthly salary.Also farmers working under same climatic conditions shroud get same salary
    -All the resources like seeds, fertilizers etc will be purchased by govt and all the product of farming will go directly into food banks.
    -For this job give farmers proper workshops on modern agriculture

    Q-Will farmers be ever ready for this?
    A- Yes why not? They will get monthly fixed salary which is much better then the fluctuating income they get now.
    Also they won't have to worry about spending their earning on input material.
    Yes some big farmers may oppose this but for most of them its a win-win deal.
  • The 'Govt Farms' should be protected from Nature's Wrath, this can be easily done by Agricultural and Civil Engineering.
    -Link all the Govt farms to regular water supply.
    -Make every farm ready for the drip irrigation technique(click here to know more about it).  
    -If a farm is close to river then dug a deep hole around the govt farm area and between hole and farm create a dam like wall to protect it from flooding of river
    Connect that hole to pipes which will end in a nearby farm water tank.
    -To protect farm crops from direct torrents of rain create plastic farm curtains or ceiling which can be put up whenever necessary

    Q-Won't this all cost a lot?
    A-Yes, but the cost will be much lesser than that of erecting a lot of factories.
    Q-Is doing all that possible in India?
    A-Why not? Indian is the land of elite engineering colleges from which thousands of engineers graduate each year.We must trust their skills.
India needs both Factories and Farms in proper ratio.Too much or too less of either of them will be a stupid step.
Moreover, being a developing country we not only get the opportunity of learning from the mistakes of other countries but also that of redefining the meaning of development.


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Is PK dialing the wrong no?

As soon as long awaited PK hit the theatre one thing became clear that apart from the controversial nude posters of Amir for the film there is lot more in it to add controversy.

In this movie there are some scenes which are trying to convey something about our methods of connecting with supreme power of universe or God.

However, as happens mostly in case of faith and religion a huge gap is developed between the intended message of conveyer and meaning analyzed by the receiver.
Same thing is happening with this movie and is taking the shape of a 'Controversy'.
Attacks and panic conditions in movie theatre and ban on movie in certain parts of nation are the visible outcomes of this controversy.

PK (character of Amir Khan in the movie) observes our ways of communication with God and then points out faults in them saying them to be "wrong number"(as God won't hear us through these ways).

And this is hurting the feelings of some people.
NOW THIS FEELING OF SUCH PARTICULAR SET OF PEOPLE CAN'T BE STATED AS WRONG! as its all the part of faith(which is not at all a bad thing).
Infact historically and ecologically it was and it is impossible for all humans  on earth to have the same FAITH, hence same RELIGION, thereby Same GOD.Hence diversity of religion around globe should be respected in a humane manner.
So is PK trying to violate this diverse faith in Supreme Power?

In all the religions there are Pandits, Maulana,Father etc who have the duty to help us understand Bhagvan ,Allah or Isa and to cultivate a faith among humans toward them.
But, frankly what's happening these days is that those who claim to have the Knowledge of God are claiming to have shortcuts to the 'Counter of God' as well.

Infact, nowadays while praying we don't see god as our creater/savior/prophet(which are the main roles of God and his/her avatar in any religion whatsoever) anymore but as the magical power which directly or indirectly can be used only through the help of those who claim to have it(magical power).
And clearly what PK is doing is rubbishing these claims and he is not the only person who has done it.
Saint Kabir, Saint Rahem, etc had also done this PKish thing in the past.

Well PK is no one to say that all claims are false as there is a possibility that some person gets blessed by God (as is told in the tales in every religion) so that he/she can help society.

The rituals in religions are also being questioned in the movie.
Yes, there are some rituals in our religions which are a bit offbeat but are respected a lot because there have been performed for ages and now seem to be a part of our emotions and culture.
But a thing which almost ANY religion seems to forget that culture and rituals which were designed ages ago when society,environment, politics and many other parameters were totally different can't be that effective in present times.This is mainly because the 'old ways' stop the development of followers in the 'new times' resulting in the hinderence in the progress of religion itself.

Example of this are Taliban, Khap pancahyat etc.
They try to force the old ways of their religion on people and their this act is degrading the progress of their own religion by stopping their own people from developing. This can be proved by the fact that areas under the control of Taliban and Khap are the least developed.

If Religion doesn't flow with time like a river then it won't be able to expand its branches and receive more followers.

Attacks in movie halls are infact politically catalyzed as politicians know that religion is the weak nerve of the emotional Indians. It has been happening for decades that political parties in order to deviate our focus from development of nation use religion as their wild card.